The Liberal Jewish Community in Amsterdam owns a library, the Judith Druk-Library, named after Judith Druk who left us her book collection. The current library contains about 2.500 books. Subjects are: Jewish religion, Jewish philosophy, Liberal Judaism, Jewish customs, Jewish history and Holocaust, Israel and Zionism and general reference works. The collection also contains books on the emancipation of Jewish women, Jewish stories and legends, poems, novels and children's books.
The automatization of the library is in progress; there is still a card catalogue.
The library is open on Thursday afternoons from 13.30 - 16.30 p.m. and by appointment on other days; books are lent to members of the Liberal Jewish Community in Amsterdam and to members of the other Liberal Jewish Communities in the
Judith Druk Library
Jacob Soetendorpstraat 8
1079 RM Amsterdam
Tel: 020 6423562
Fax: 020 6428135
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