Union of Liberal Synagogues in the Netherlands
Jacob Soetendorpstraat 8
1079 RM Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: 020 6423562
Fax: 020 6428135
General Information
The Union of Liberal Synagogues in The Netherlands is the umbrella organization of the liberal congregations in the Netherlands. The first Liberal Jewish Congregation was founded in The Hague in 1931, soon to be followed by one in Amsterdam. The Union is affiliated to the World Union for Progressive Judaism.
Currently seven Liberal congegrations are represented in the Union of Liberal Synagogues in The Netherlands. You can find them in Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Arnhem, Enschede (Twente) en Tilburg (Noord-Brabant). The membership of these congregations consists of 1100 families.
The Union publishes a magazine, Levend Joods Geloof ('Living Judaism'), which covers a broad spectre of Jewish issues. The Union is also responsible for the publication of prayerbooks for the liberal services.
All congregations have their own synagogues. In Amsterdam en Rotterdam these are modern buildings, in The Hague the Liberal congregation owns the 270 years old former Portuguese Synagogue, the Liberal congregations in Tilburg and Twente use former orthodox synagogues. In Arnhem the congregation has to share its building with a church. The newest congregation Utrecht rents a hall, which is seen as a temporary solution.
The Liberal congregations in The Netherlands grow steadily. Each one of them is a living and lively centre of Jewish life, Where you can find besides the Shabbat and Holiday services, educational courses and social events.
Other organizations
Judith Druk Library
(coming soon)
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